Often we feel lively and natural expressive impulses that want to regulate the physical well-being. Very beautiful to observe in children. Stretching, lolling, yawning, laughing, jumping, snorting, shaking, farting, dancing, being silly, not always showing a tidy made-up face. Most of us, however, have been taught to do this in childhood. ?

That’s indecent, we were then told. Then we grew up, had internalized the evaluation and feel it as embarrassing. But actually it makes our bodies alive. It gives life energy and the body more pulsation to feel more than just a functioning human being – namely as a living ecstatic being! ?

In Zapchen, these natural impulses were adopted as exercises to invite self-regulation back into your body. Many people who walk around so tense and controlled have already died before they are in the grave. Frozen and unliving. ? Tell me, what are you embarrassed about? ?