Conditions of participation

With my registration I bindingly book a place in the corresponding seminar.

  • In case of cancellation up to 28 days before the start of the seminar, 10% of the seminar fee will be due as cancellation fee.
  • In case of cancellation up to 14 days before the start of the seminar, 50% of the seminar fee will be due as cancellation fee.
  • In case of later cancellation, cancellation from the beginning or interruption or termination of the seminar, the entire seminar costs will be charged by the organizer, and the entire accommodation and catering costs will be charged by the seminar house.

We recommend that you take out seminar cancellation insurance.

I am aware that the seminars are not a substitute for therapeutic treatment. I understand the instructions of the seminar leaders and their assistants as suggestions, which I follow voluntarily. I take full responsibility for myself and for my actions during the seminar.

I will inform the seminar instructors before the start if I am mentally, physically or psychologically not fully able to work or am in a vulnerable state of health. If necessary, I will interrupt or stop the seminar, especially if third parties could be harmed by my condition, especially if there is a risk of infection. I am solely liable for any risk I take.

I agree that parts of seminars can also be led by Dakini Tantra trainers or assistants. My address and phone number may be included on participant lists unless I block my information by calling the Dakini office.

Note on COVID-19:

If you suffer from COVID-19-typical symptoms, we ask you not to participate in the seminar out of consideration for the other seminar participants. After consultation, we will waive the cancellation fees. This also applies to seminar participants who are unable to travel to the seminar house due to COVID-19 or who have to go into quarantine after their accommodation and therefore cannot participate in the seminar. Thus, the cancellation fees will only be waived if the reasons for the cancellation of participation are owed exclusively to COVID-19 and medical proof of the COVID-19 symptoms of the sick seminar participant can be provided. However, a processing fee to cover administrative costs may still apply.