Relationship competence – conflict management
Inner child – key to the relationship
Togetherness or loneliness?
How can I bond without losing myself? What does it mean to be with me and yet also with the other. One wants closeness, the other finds it too much. How do I live the dynamic or pulsation between withdrawal and openness?
Relationship dynamics is this week’s topic.
Relationship patterns emerge from early childhood experiences and are reproduced – in variations – again and again throughout life. The inner child has built up defense strategies as a protection against new injuries due to old unpleasant experiences. We recognize this protection in ourselves when, for example, we find it difficult to express feelings, to allow closeness and relationship with a person, or to set clear boundaries.
Partnership, job, family etc.
This protective mechanism, which is learned, prevents the experience of love, closeness and intimacy in adult life. Once these patterns are recognized, however, it is possible to use adult spiritual awareness to address fears, recognize hurts, and heal the pain. Thus, behavior patterns can change and lead to a freer, more creative life in all its possible aspects (love, career, intimacy, partnership, family, health, etc.).
We will work this week with elements of Co-Dependency, Zapchen Somatics, trauma healing, active and gentle meditations, communication techniques and healing methods for the Inner Child. This seminar is an experiential blend of theory, knowledge transfer, awareness of one’s own strategies, and trauma healing. Suitable for self-healing and at the same time also training for people who work with children and adults and for better teamwork in professional life. Beyond that, healing the inner child is an important contribution to more peace in the world. Trauma is otherwise passed on from generation to generation.
Inneres Kind
Presence Seminars & Retreats
Inner child
Relationship key
Relationship skills and conflict management
Learning to die, living love
One question is enough: If I had to die today, have I loved enough in this life? Dealing with death and dying brings the essential into one’s own life.
Zapchen Somatics Retreat
Zapchen Somatics was created by combining elements of Western psycho- and body-therapy methods and neurobiological knowledge with methods from Tibetan Buddhism.
At heart
of being
There’s no end to the list. And yet we tell ourselves, “When I get this done, then!” We don’t give ourselves breaks. But our bodies need breaks. And our soul even more so.
Dakini Tantra Follow Up
The connection of the three main chakras (pelvis-heart-mind) has been lost during our early physical and energetic development, the separation has become normality.
La Essenza – Retreat
The La Essenz Retreat is a deep practice week with presence training and a sinking into the space between thoughts. By arriving in the here and now, how can I recognize what identifications and concepts about myself and my environment are preventing me from being free? It’s time to wake up.
Online seminars
Click & Meet
With Click & Meet – In the Heart of Being we create a format that enables being and practicing together free of local limitations.
Online practice day
Meeting each other online is no less touching from the heart than meeting in a face-to-face seminar – if we let ourselves.