Embodying Well-Being – Zapchen Tsokpa

the accompanying yearly training is part of the Menlha Touch® education

Zapchen Somatics was created by combining elements of Western psycho- and body-therapy methods and neurobiological knowledge with methods from Tibetan Buddhism.

Body rests like a mountain
Breath moves like the sea
Heart like the sky.

What is Zapchen Somatics?

Zapchen is a lineage of practice in Tibetan Buddhism developed by Dr. phil. Julie Henderson developed. She herself calls it “A marriage of Western body therapies and essential Tibetan Buddhist consciousness training.” It is dedicated to both spiritual and physical issues.

Preparation for the big jump

Zapchen is a line of practice – in Western terminology, it means a consciously designed collection of exercises. These serve to gradually develop well-being, and then, at the appropriate time, to support the particular leap of perception from localized to non-localized, which is also called “awakening”: To strip off the veil of the habitual “I” as the starting point of perception.

Simple body and energetic exercises

In your first contact with Zapchen you will be introduced to a colorful set of surprisingly simple exercises, deliberately chosen and put together. They are physical and energetic exercises, as well as exercises in the areas of perception, attention and awareness to effectively and progressively deepen and stabilize your well-being.

Zapchen – Someone who clearly goes too far

The word Zapchen is Tibetan and means something like “someone who clearly goes too far”. Normally, this going too far is considered shocking – well-bred Tibetan women giggle nervously when someone uses this word in mixed company. However, we are taught that shocking behavior is sometimes not only necessary, but especially healing. Although not in traditional form, Julie teaches at the direct request of Kundun Gyalwang Drukpa, head of the Drukpa Kargyud lineage, as well as his father, the 38th Vairocana Tulku.

Zapchen exercises support mental health and well-being

Many media report about the burnout syndrome. If we do not regenerate our energies, we run “empty” and feel exhausted and in permanent stress. Zapchen Somatics or Zapchen Tsokpa teaches fine playful exercises that support joy and well-being and take the focus away from negative states or moods. The exercises support mental health and resilience (mental resistance in coping with challenges, crises and also trauma).

In the presence of mindful and kind attention, the nervous system can relax again on a deep level. Personal history with all its negative experiences and habits does not need to be repeated and processed. Through the exercises, self-regulation is activated, healing* can happen in the space of mindfulness, presence and doing nothing.
*Result cannot be guaranteed and varies from person to person.

Through playful ways that incorporate breathing, movement and voice, the inner channels open, the very own pulsation finds its freedom again, physical, mental and energetic health is supported.

The diversity and complexity of the subject of relationship and bonding are touched upon with mindfulness and compassion. Inner happiness and a new zest for life can expand, regardless of external circumstances. Zapchen Tsokpa is part of the training in Menlha Touch®.

Moti is authorized by Dr. Julie Henderson to appoint both Zapchen exercise instructors and Zapchen teachers.


Termin ist in Planung!

Zapchen Founder, Lama Sanjay Khandro/Dr. Julie Henderson on Moti (translation from English):

Moti Theresia König is an extraordinary person. She has had a dark childhood. She has lived with deep courage and has embodied powerful and compassionate abilities of healing and change. She is Dakini and Tantrica – in either case the real thing, not a misunderstood Western imitation. If you happen to be looking for someone who can draw similar strengths and deep truths from yourself, she would be a good person to meet and learn from.

If you want to learn more and deeper bodywork – deeper and more effective touch, whether given or received – I recommend taking time to learn touch with Moti. In Nepal, after an injury, I learned what their hands-on work looks like. I found it extraordinary and quite different from any other form of bodywork I have explored in my life. The touches are intimate, deep and clean. It touches not only the tissues, but also the network of meridians throughout the body. The touch carries the presence deep into the tissue. My body felt her touch as a healing release from isolation.

Julie Henderson, Ph.D..
Lama Sanjay Khandro
Lama Tsoknyi Palmo

Moti Theresia König is authorized by Dr. Julie Henderson to appoint both Zapchen exercise instructors and Zapchen teachers.

Embodying Well-Being and the Lover within: Zapchen – with Julie Henderson
YouTube video of Dr. Julie Henderson to get a first impression of Zapchen Somatics.

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