What would you do or not do if you just dared to be a little bolder? We often limit ourselves in our creativity and spontaneity because an inner judgmental voice...
What would you do or not do if you just dared to be a little bolder? We often limit ourselves in our creativity and spontaneity because an inner judgmental voice...
Who am I when I become more silent and more stillness rises in my heart? Who am I when thoughts get a time-out, when I step off the hamster wheel...
Healing with Dakini Tantra and Menlha Touch The tantric work of Moti Theresia König has got a sister. After her Dakini Tantra has been known and developed steadily for many...
Gallery pictures of Moti Theresia König Namaste,I am happy to show you my pictures. They are energy pictures, painted from the spontaneity of the moment, connected with all who know...
Interview with Moti Theresia König in Lichtnetz Magazine 1/1999 What is Tantra? Well, Buddho, who is going to answer that?! Tantra is so much! But, to put it briefly: Tantra...